Use Case: Get Visa Requirements for a Specific Country (example 2)
If you are only interested in VISA requirements you could use the procedures endpoint to retrieve and display this information.
Endpoint URL (Sandbox):
Endpoint URL (Production):
Let’s see how to query this endpoint using a trip scenario.
*A traveller is looking at tour details for a tour to Cambodia. We do not know where the traveller will be coming from and their nationality will be selected via a drop-down list. There are no specific tour dates, however, the tour runs every month.
If we take a look at the filters for this endpoint, we can determine the ones we will need for our scenario: country, category, nationalities, documentType.
Filter | Value |
country | KHM |
category | DOC_REQUIRED |
nationalities | GBR (selected from drop-down) |
Request URL
Using these filters and values we can build the following request URL:
API Response
In the API response, you will notice two procedures are returned with the following IDs:
Looking at the data.attributes.documentType
we can see that:
53aa1073-d0a5-4a08-af40-773448a6db45 is for an E_VISA
bfd08ae5-122e-44cd-8b3f-88ec386d59a0 is for a standard VISA.
In this situation, we should let travellers know that both of these visa options are available on this specific itinerary.
Upcoming Procedures
What about the traveller’s trip dates and upcoming procedures?
Our API will response will only include active and upcoming procedures. The data.attributes.startDate
can be used to differentiate between active and upcoming procedures that may come into effect during a traveller’s trip.
Download API Response
You can download the sample API response file here.
Updated almost 2 years ago