Examples on this page

Below, you will find links to the Trip Element configuration examples that are on this page. Some examples are accompanied by a Video Tutorial. The link to the video will be listed below the example.

Using the defer attribute

It is recommended to load the Trip Element with the defer attribute. This will allow the Element to load in the background and be displayed once the rest of the HTML page is rendered.

Video Tutorial: Link

<!-- PRODUCTION Environment -->
<script src="https://sdk.joinsherpa.io/widget.js?appId={{APP_ID}}" defer></script>

eVisa Trip Element Pre-configuration

Video Tutorial: Link

const elementConfig = {
        // 1. Element Placement: Where the Element is being placed on your site e.g. mmb, discovery            
        placement: "discovery",
        travellers: [{
          // 2. Define the traveller's Nationality:
          nationality: "CAN"
        segments: [
          // Outbound Segment
            segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',
            origin: {
              // 3. Define Origin Country:    
              countryCode: 'CAN',
            destination: {
              // 4. Define the Destination Country:    
              countryCode: 'EGY',
            // 5. Define the Departure & Arrival Date
            departureDate: '2023-06-22',
            arrivalDate: '2023-06-22',
            // 6. Set the flight number
            flightNumber: 'AB123'
// filter for skdLoaded event then call element
      function onSherpaEvent(event) {
        if (event.type === 'sdkLoaded') {
          $sherpa.V2.createElement('trip', elementConfig).mount('#sherpa-trip-element');

eVisa and Travel Requirements Pre-Configuration

Video Tutorial: Link

const elementConfig = {
    // 1. Element Placement: Where the Element is being placed on your site e.g. mmb, discovery            
    placement: "discovery",
    travellers: [{
        nationality: 'CAN', //traveller's passport
        vaccinations: [{
            type: 'COVID_19',
            status: 'FULLY_VACCINATED',
        }, ],
    }, ],
    segments: [{
        segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',
        origin: {
            countryCode: 'CAN',
        destination: {
            countryCode: 'EGY',
        travelMode: 'AIR',
        departureDate: '2023-06-22',
        departureTime: '12:59:00',
        arrivalDate: '2023-06-22',
        arrivalTime: '12:59:00',
        flightNumber: 'AB123'
    }, ],

function onSherpaEvent(event) {
    if (event.type === 'sdkLoaded') {
        $sherpa.V2.createElement('trip', elementConfig).mount('#sherpa-trip-element');

Basic Discovery Placement

Video Tutorial: Link


Always include a placement

This will help make analytics reports clear, allowing our team to allocate resources more effectively.

const elementConfig = {
  placement: "discovery"

// filter for skdLoaded event then call element
      function onSherpaEvent(event) {
        if (event.type === 'sdkLoaded') {
          $sherpa.V2.createElement('trip', elementConfig).mount('#sherpa-trip-element');

Defining a Traveller

The following configuration shows how to define the passport and vaccination of a traveler using the Traveller and Vaccination Models.

const elementConfig = {
    travellers: [{
        nationality: 'CAN', //traveller's passport
        vaccinations: [{
            type: 'COVID_19',
            status: 'FULLY_VACCINATED', // or NOT_VACCINATED

Manage My Booking - Return Trip

The following configuration shows travel restrictions for a return trip from USA to Mexico.

Video Tutorial: Link

const elementConfig = {
  placement: "mmb",
  segments: [{
      segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',
      origin: {
        countryCode: 'USA',
      destination: {
        countryCode: 'MEX',
      departureDate: '2021-02-22',
			departureTime: '12:59:00',
      arrivalDate: '2021-02-22',
      arrivalTime: '12:59:00',
      flightNumber: 'AB123'
      segmentType: 'RETURN',
      origin: {
        countryCode: 'MEX',
      destination: {
        countryCode: 'USA',
      departureDate: '2021-03-22',
      departureTime: '12:59:00',
      arrivalDate: '2021-03-22',
      arrivalTime: '12:59:00',
      flightNumber: 'XY4321'

// filter for skdLoaded event then call element
      function onSherpaEvent(event) {
        if (event.type === 'sdkLoaded') {
          $sherpa.V2.createElement('trip', elementConfig).mount('#sherpa-trip-element');

Manage My Booking - Return Trip via Connection

The following configuration shows travel restrictions for a return trip from Mexico to Canada via a connection in USA.

Video Tutorial: Link

  const elementConfig = {

  	travellers: [{
  		nationality: 'CAN', //traveller's passport
  		vaccinations: [{
  			type: 'COVID_19',
  		}, ],
  	}, ],

  	placement: 'mmb',

  	segments: [{
  			segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',
  			segmentSubType: 'TRANSIT',
  			origin: {
  				countryCode: 'CAN',
  			destination: {
  				countryCode: 'USA',
  			travelMode: 'AIR',
  			departureDate: '2023-06-22',
  			arrivalDate: '2023-06-22',
      	flightNumber: 'AB123'
  			segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',
  			origin: {
  				countryCode: 'USA',
  			destination: {
  				countryCode: 'MEX',

  			segmentType: 'RETURN',
  			segmentSubType: 'TRANSIT',
  			origin: {
  				countryCode: 'MEX',
  			destination: {
  				countryCode: 'USA',
  			travelMode: 'AIR',
  			departureDate: '2023-06-25',
  			arrivalDate: '2023-06-25',
      	flightNumber: 'XY4321'
  			segmentType: 'RETURN',
  			origin: {
  				countryCode: 'USA',
  			destination: {
  				countryCode: 'CAN',



  function onSherpaEvent(event) {
  	// Ensure that the sdk is loaded before creating the element:
  	if (event.type === 'sdkLoaded') {
  		$sherpa.V2.createElement('trip', elementConfig).mount('#sherpa-trip-element');

Manage My Booking - Return Trip and outbound via connections

The following configuration shows travel restrictions via connection outbound and return. The use case takes into account origin as Germany (DEU) to Mexico via USA, while the return leg will be Mexico to Germany (DEU) via Canada.

const elementConfig = {
  placement: "mmb",
  segments: [{
      segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',
      segmentSubType: 'TRANSIT',
      origin: {
        countryCode: 'DEU',
      destination: {
        countryCode: 'USA',
      travelMode: 'AIR',
      departureDate: '2021-02-22',
      arrivalDate: '2021-02-22',
			flightNumber: 'AB123'
      segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',      
      origin: {
        countryCode: 'USA',
      destination: {
        countryCode: 'MEX',
      segmentType: 'RETURN',
      segmentSubType: 'TRANSIT',
      origin: {
        countryCode: 'MEX',
      destination: {
        countryCode: 'CAN',
      travelMode: 'AIR',
      departureDate: '2021-03-22',
      arrivalDate: '2021-03-22',
      flightNumber: 'XY4321'
      segmentType: 'RETURN',      
      origin: {
        countryCode: 'CAN',
      destination: {
        countryCode: 'DEU',

// filter for skdLoaded event then call element
      function onSherpaEvent(event) {
        if (event.type === 'sdkLoaded') {
          $sherpa.V2.createElement('trip', elementConfig).mount('#sherpa-trip-element');

Multi Transit Trip

This configuration shows a multi-transit trip with three segments on the outbound journey. Two of these segments are transit segments (YYZ -> USA and USA -> MEX) and the third is a regular outbound trip (MEX -> TUR).

Video Tutorial: Link

const elementConfig = {
        language: 'en-US',
        segments: [
          // Outbound, First Segment
            segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',
            segmentSubType: 'TRANSIT',
            origin: {
              airportCode: 'YYZ',
            destination: {
              countryCode: 'USA',
            travelMode: 'AIR',
            departureDate: '2024-02-22',
            arrivalDate: '2024-02-22',
          // Outbound, Second Segment
            segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',
            segmentSubType: 'TRANSIT',
            origin: {
              countryCode: 'USA',
            destination: {
              countryCode: 'MEX',
            travelMode: 'AIR',
            departureDate: '2024-02-22',
            arrivalDate: '2024-02-22',
          // Outbound, Third Segment
            segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',
            origin: {
              countryCode: 'MEX',
            destination: {
              countryCode: 'TUR',
            travelMode: 'AIR',
            departureDate: '2024-02-22',
            arrivalDate: '2024-02-22',
          // Return Segment no transit
            segmentType: 'RETURN',
            origin: {
              countryCode: 'ITA',
            destination: {
              countryCode: 'CAN',
            travelMode: 'AIR',
            departureDate: '2024-03-22',
            arrivalDate: '2024-03-22',
        travellers: [
            nationality: 'FRA', //traveller's passport
            vaccinations: [
                type: 'COVID_19',
                status: 'FULLY_VACCINATED', // or NOT_VACCINATED
        placement: 'mmb',
        features: {
          showFilters: true,
          showMapLegend: true,

Manage My Booking - Using Airport & Region Code

Video Tutorial: Link

const elementConfig = {
  placement: "mmb",
  segments: [{
      segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',
      origin: {
        airportCode: 'YYZ',
      destination: {
        regionCode: 'US-NY',
      departureDate: '2021-02-22',
			departureTime: '12:59:00',
      arrivalDate: '2021-02-22',
      arrivalTime: '12:59:00',
			flightNumber: 'XY4321'

// filter for skdLoaded event then call element
      function onSherpaEvent(event) {
        if (event.type === 'sdkLoaded') {
          $sherpa.V2.createElement('trip', elementConfig).mount('#sherpa-trip-element');

Manage My Booking - Display An Extended Segment

The following configuration highlights the ability to show an extended segment. Consider a trip between the USA to Mexico with a return from Mexico to the USA. The below codes highlights the USA to Mexico leg segment.

Video Tutorial: Link

const elementConfig = {

	travellers: [{
		nationality: 'CAN', //traveller's passport
		vaccinations: [{
			type: 'COVID_19',
		}, ],
	}, ],
	placement: 'mmb',
	selected: {
		segment: 1,
		extended: true
	segments: [{
			segmentType: 'OUTBOUND',
			origin: {
				countryCode: 'USA',
			destination: {
				countryCode: 'MEX',
			travelMode: 'AIR',
			departureDate: '2021-02-22',
			departureTime: '12:59:00',
			arrivalDate: '2021-02-22',
			arrivalTime: '12:59:00',
			flightNumber: 'AB123'

			segmentType: 'RETURN',
			origin: {
				countryCode: 'MEX',
			destination: {
				countryCode: 'USA',
			travelMode: 'AIR',
			departureDate: '2021-03-22',
			departureTime: '12:59:00',
			arrivalDate: '2021-03-22',
			arrivalTime: '12:59:00',
     	flightNumber: 'XY4321'


// filter for skdLoaded event then call element
function onSherpaEvent(event) {
	if (event.type === 'sdkLoaded') {
		$sherpa.V2.createElement('trip', elementConfig).mount('#sherpa-trip-element');

Manage My Booking - Hide Segments

The following configuration allows you to hide the segments taking a trip that goes from USA to Mexico and has a return leg from Mexico to USA.

Video Tutorial: Link

features: {
    showSegments: false,

Manage My Booking - Hide Title

The following configuration allows you to hide the title taking a trip that goes from USA to Mexico and has a return leg from Mexico to USA.

Video Tutorial: Link

features: {
    showTitle: false

Manage My Booking - Hide Segment Editor

The following configuration will allow you to hide the 'Edit my Trip Button.

Video Tutorial: Link

features: {

Show Filter Passport

This configuration will allow you to hide the Passport selector, which is displayed by default.

Video Tutorial: Link

features: {

Show Filter Vaccinated

This configuration will allow you to hide the COVID-19 Vaccination selector which is displayed by default.

Video Tutorial: Link

features: {

Show Results

This configuration allows you to show or hide travel requirements results when the element loads.

Video Tutorial: Link

features: {

Setting a Cookie Policy

The following configuration sets a cookie policy that allows all cookies on the Element. This cookie policy will also apply to all existing and future Embedded Elements and Application Widgets.

Video Tutorial: Link

const elementConfig = {
  placement: "discovery",
  cookieConsentPreferences: ['ad_storage', 'analytics_storage', 'functionality_storage', 'personalization_storage', 'security_storage']

// filter for skdLoaded event then call element
      function onSherpaEvent(event) {
        if (event.type === 'sdkLoaded') {
          $sherpa.V2.createElement('trip', elementConfig).mount('#sherpa-trip-element');

To specify a restrictive cookie policy, include only the 'functionality_storage' and 'security_storage' cookie consent types

const elementConfig = {
  placement: "discovery",
  cookieConsentPreferences: ['functionality_storage', 'security_storage']

// filter for skdLoaded event then call element
      function onSherpaEvent(event) {
        if (event.type === 'sdkLoaded') {
          $sherpa.V2.createElement('trip', elementConfig).mount('#sherpa-trip-element');