Restriction Category

NO_ENTRYRestriction represents a ban on entryEntry restricted for international travelers
ENTRYRestriction affects the entry
RESTRICTED_ENTRYRestriction is in addition to entryTravel is allowed with restrictions
NO_EXITRestriction represents restriction no exit
RESTRICTED_EXITRestriction is in addition to exit
DOMESTICRestriction only applies to domestic travel. Travel within the same country.
NO_RESTRICTIONNo restrictions are present

Restriction SubCategories

ON_ARRIVALRestriction applies on arrival to destination
IN_FLIGHTRestriction is affective during flight
ENTRYRestriction applies on entry through borderEntry restricted for international travelers
EXITRestriction applies on exit through borderTravel to red list countries is not recommended
BOARDINGRestriction applies to boarding of a flight
TRANSITRestriction affects transit through bordersTransit is allowed with restrictions